When Christians obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit, great things can be accomplished. Little did the people of Trinity Episcopal Church know what would be the result of their following the words of Jesus, “for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in” (Matthew 25:35). In 1983 the church envisioned and implemented a soup kitchen to feed anyone who wanted the soup and sandwiches offered five days a week. Other churches, businesses, community organizations, and government agencies all contributed to the success of this endeavor.
Due to the increasing needs of the community, the decision was made in 1985 to secure a larger location which would not only provide a hot meal but also overnight lodging to people in need. Thus, the Lumberton Christian Care Center was opened in the annex of the Goodyear Hotel on First Street. For thirty years the LCCC has faithfully served the community supported by volunteers and those individuals and organizations who had a heart for this ministry.
As the facility degraded and community needs to be increased, plans were developed to build a new building nearby on Second Street. The beautiful new LCCC opened in December 2015 continuing to provide meals, increased emergency housing, and classes for employment opportunities. It is truly a testament to God’s faithfulness.

Trinity Episcopal Church is where LCCC started in 1983.

Lumberton Christian Care Center 1985 - 2015